The History of Bihotz Gaztea

Since 1967

The Cultural Society BIHOTZ GAZTEA is one of oldest of Santurtzi. It was founded in November 18th of 1.967. After this date different groups of friends, who met them to put in practice their hobbies, were integrating in the society, rising the sections that have been forming BIHOTZ GAZTEA.

In its beginnings, the Society was called “Parochial Youths”, since the first meetings took place in the parish of Virgen del Mar , located in Mamariga, and they counted with the collaboration of parish priest. In the beginnings as a Society it was called “YOUNG HEART BIHOTZ GAZTEA”, since the name solely in euskera was not possible because of the existing censorship in Euskal Herria.

Simultaneously, the possibility to transact its civil legalization through channel of the Law of Associations was considered. After obtaining the authorization of the parish priest to use the annexed premises to the church like social address and the writing of the original act and the statutes, the CULTURAL SOCIETY YOUNG HEART BIHOTZ GAZTEA was legalized by the Civil Government in March 16th of 1.968

Gradually, the sections increased and the premises they had were not enought to cover the existing demand. It started, then, to look for the premises close of where the Society had taken his first steps, but it was not possible, so, it resorted to another more centric zone, but close to Mamariga. The premises that BIHOTZ GAZTEA has at the moment were inaugurated in Julio 6th of 1969 and these are in number 1 of Juan XXIII street in Santurtzi.


Active sections:

Sections already disappeared:

  • Street animation (Mingotsa)
  • Academy of Music
  • Carton Band
  • Moto-Club
  • Txalaparta
  • Orfeon
  • Rondalla
  • Txistu
  • Soka-Tira
  • Cycling